Website Design

Web Sitesi Tasarım

In the digital era, a website is the visible face of a brand. A website designed with proper code and marketing strategy while adhering to current design trends, on the other hand, increases its visibility in the digital world.

Before beginning the web design process, which should be seen as a project, a solid marketing plan should be developed. Because a strong and healthy marketing plan guarantees that the brand reaches its intended audience. The marketing strategy is developed by doing a competitive analysis in accordance with the brand’s vision and goal. In this approach, the primary content lines emerge during the website design process.

The keywords are identified when the main lines of the material appear. Keywords are the terms that consumers type into search engines to find the product or service they are looking for. This is the primary component of the material that ensures the website displays first. As a result, the words on the page must correspond to the keywords used in searches.

Following the determination of the marketing strategy and keywords, the next stages are performed, and the website design phase is initiated;

Genius Digital Marketing Website Design Process

Genius Teknoloji Danismanlik

Web Design Project Analysis Process

We select the most appropriate digital marketing plan for you at this stage of the website design process, which is termed a project, by listening to our clients’ needs and expectations. In accordance with the digital marketing plan, we develop the primary structure of your website’s content by selecting keywords and assessing rivals.

Genius Teknoloji Danismanlik

Web Design with Images

We guarantee that the keywords are accompanied by graphics and design, making the website more appealing and desirable to the visitor. Google, which has become the most popular search engine with recent improvements, prioritizes user experience when ranking websites. The time spent on the site and browsing time affect the click-through rate a website receives when it appears in a search result. We provide suitable aesthetic and design services to attract, navigate, and retain the target audience on the website.

Genius Teknoloji Danismanlik

Testing Process

We run the website via Google Page Speed, Semrush, and other comparable test tools, as well as performance testing, to maximize the user experience at the conclusion of the content and web design processes. We ensure that your website runs well by making the required adjustments in terms of web standards compliance, speed testing, and link checks. We also test that your responsive web design website functions correctly on a variety of smart devices.

Genius Teknoloji Danismanlik

The Post-Release Procedure

After going online, we provide a broad choice of service options to fit your needs, from the most basic tracking hosting services and software upgrades to the most advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services.

Why should you choose Genius Digital Marketing Design Service?

Since the beginning, Genius Teknoloji Danşmanlk has provided a boutique consultation service to our customers. We study our clients’ requests with great accuracy and build solutions by knowing their objectives and positions. We appreciate guiding our customers through the digital transformation process and are excited to see them succeed.

Our Basic Building Blocks for Website Design;

  • In-depth industry and competition research
  • Comprehensive solutions created using cutting-edge technology
  • Comprehensive SEO review User experience (UX) centered interface design
  • Keyword-friendly content creation
  • Panels with simple management


You may contact us for more information and to benefit from our website design services.